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6th November – Open Afternoon for new starters Sept 2024

Proud to be a 'myhappymind' school

Sportsmark Platinum Award holders 2023

'The experience for children here is superb.' (Ofsted Parent View 2018)

'Pupils demonstrate genuine excitement about their learning across the school.' Ofsted 2018

'My children have made excellent progress academically and emotionally...' Ofsted 2018

The Wrenbury Vision

We thrive as a forward-thinking, rural community school that nurtures
happy, healthy and hopeful children prepared for tomorrow.

The Wrenbury Vision

We thrive as a forward-thinking, rural community school that nurtures
happy, healthy and hopeful children prepared for tomorrow.

The Wrenbury Vision

We thrive as a forward-thinking, rural community school that nurtures
happy, healthy and hopeful children prepared for tomorrow.

The Wrenbury Vision

We thrive as a forward-thinking, rural community school that nurtures
happy, healthy and hopeful children prepared for tomorrow.

The Wrenbury Vision

We thrive as a forward-thinking, rural community school that nurtures
happy, healthy and hopeful children prepared for tomorrow.

At Wrenbury, we are very proud of the education and curriculum we offer and are continually striving to be the best we can be and do the very best we can for each and every one of our children. Wrenbury Primary School is a school where 'we all matter'. We place a strong emphasis on inspiring our pupils and helping them to aspire and achieve their best both academically and personally. We ensure that 'all pupils have as broad and rich an experience as possible' as they follow their learning journey through school. We are a happy, friendly and caring school where every child is valued and is able to flourish. Our wonderful children 'are proud to belong to a school where everyone matters.' The Wrenbury team deliver an education for all pupils, where our pupils 'leave the school ready for the challenges of the key stage 3 curriculum' and 'well prepared for their future lives.'

Here are a few of the comments written in our Autumn 2022 parent survey, "I love Wrenbury School. All 4 of my children have attended here and they have been treated as individuals and have thrived. The staff are helpful and caring. I've always felt part of the school family. Thank you Bessa and the team, past and present, you have truly gone above and beyond supporting us as a family." A further parent shared: "X has always enjoyed his time at Wrenbury. There is enough variety in the subjects to keep his attention and the teachers are always striving to get the best quality of work from him. He was recognised for being kind at the parents evening which was nice feedback -- not just on his ability to do the work." These are just two of the many lovely and positive feedback messages the school receives from our parents, who are 'overwhelmingly positive about the school' and who 'would readily recommend it to others.' (Ofsted 2023)

Why not come and visit us and see for yourself. You'll be warmly welcomed.

Mrs Cador and the Wrenbury team

Wrenbury Primary School continues to be a GOOD school, where there is 'a strong emphasis on pupils' personal development' and our children 'are exceptionally well cared for.'
(Ofsted Jan 2023)

© 2024 – Wrenbury Primary School